Clackamas Indigent Defense Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm appearing in court for the first time and don't have an attorney, what do I do?
How do I apply for a Court-Appointed Lawyer?
Turn in a completed application at room 104 or the Clackamas County Courthouse. Applications are available in Room 200 of the Clackamas County Courthouse. If you are accused of a criminal charge, it is important to fill out an application for an attorney as soon as possible so that your lawyer can start helping you right away.
You can also find the application online on our Clients page.
How do I find out who my Court-Appointed Lawyer is?
Your lawyer will contact you shortly after being appointed.
If you do not know who your court-appointed lawyer is, please contact CIDC at:
(503) 722-4000
When is my next court date?
You will receive written notice of all your court appearances. If you do not know when your next court date is, please contact your lawyer as soon as possible. You may also search the court calendar at: https://www.courts.oregon.gov/Pages/default.aspx
I missed court. What should I do?
Call your lawyer immediately. The longer you wait, the worse things usually get.